Use "squall|squalls" in a sentence

1. The hungry kid began to squall.

2. The squall was on us.

3. A violent squall sank both ships.

4. The ship rocked in the squall.

5. The sailboat nearly capsized in the squall.

6. A sudden vicious squall knocked her to the ground.

7. As the wind freshened there came a sudden squall.

8. It is said that the squall will come tomorrow.

9. He changed course five degrees and looked aft to check for squalls.

10. The boat was blown over by a squall.

11. In early summer, brief squalls and thunderstorms known as Kalbaisakhi, or Nor'westers, often occur.

12. The house abutting against the hill stood unaffected in the squall.

13. There was an angry squall from the bedroom.

14. The baby's squall was heard all over the house.

15. My plane ran into a squall over the bay.

16. English words for Brailler include bawl, scream, holler, roar, squall, squawk and vociferate

17. The weather continued to deteriorate with low-flying scud and rain squalls from the west.

18. D.W. opened the storage cabinet and a miniature snow squall resulted.

19. Still wet from a recent rain squall, the city lay glistening in the sun.

20. The squall of the child went through him like a knife.

21. The boat was hit by a squall north of the island.

22. Ralph Talbot fought off the attack until she took cover in a rain-squall.

23. NB: for precipitation , the intensity adjective applies to all forms combined DR Low SG Snow squalls

24. The motor cycle shuddered as a squall spat a tongue of rain across the highway.

25. Squalls cut down the visibility for the spotting aircraft, but occasionally, the aircrew managed to glimpse the target area.

26. Twice a squall bowled him into the water as he followed the shore round.

27. The murmur of the city dissolves into a squall whose chilling power I no longer feel.

28. Screens were pulled, lurching and swaying on screaming castors, the curtains swelling like sheets in a squall.

29. Rodomonte hardly noticed the magnificent, unearthly architecture preserved so beautifully away from the squalls of the less temperate zones.

30. Synonyms for Burster include gale, cyclone, hurricane, storm, tornado, squall, tempest, typhoon, whirlwind and blast

31. Balladry: Unbridled's Song: Unbridled Trolley Song: Storm Song: Summer Squall Hum Along: Five-Cross Pedigree

32. 30 For a few seconds the sheer force of the wind supported my weight before I stumbled into a lull between squalls.

33. Sprague directed his carriers to launch their planes, then run for the cover of a rain squall to the east.

34. On 8 August, 18 a sudden and violent squall sank both ships within minutes of each other.

35. Arriving off Luzon on the 21st, Twining guarded the carriers as they launched strikes despite cloudy weather, squalls, and low visibility.

36. A low-lying squall came up, and Johnston "ducked into it" for a few minutes of rapid repairs and salvage work.

37. Although Bismarck was visually obscured in a rain squall, Suffolk's radar quickly detected the manoeuvre, allowing the cruiser to evade.

38. Just before sunset on the 13th, seven "Betty" bombers appeared out of a rain squall and rapidly closed the carriers.

39. Following one more air strike on 28 July, heavy rain squalls and poor weather canceled further strikes and the task group turned for the Mariana Islands.

40. On leaving Kendari harbour on 24 January 1942 she evaded the invading Japanese fleet in a rain squall and survived an air attack.

41. At 07:06, when a providential rain squall helped to hide his carriers, Admiral Clifton Sprague boldly ordered his destroyers to attack the Japanese with torpedoes.

42. Edsall and the Australian ships, accompanied by a PBY Catalina, returned to the scene but were unable to locate the slick, last seen by Alden, because of a heavy rain squall in the vicinity.

43. In the radar echo images the squall line showed herringbone or bow, bull's-eye structure and the main front was associated with thin ribbon weak echo which was the sign of the emergence of gale.

44. The Japanese ships fixed the U.S. destroyer with searchlights and hit her several times with gunfire, causing heavy damage, but Ralph Talbot escaped into a nearby rain squall, and the Japanese ships left her behind.

45. During their approach to Guadalcanal, the Japanese force passed through a large and intense rain squall which, along with a complex formation plus some confusing orders from Abe, split the formation into several groups.

46. She was named for Midshipman Henry A. Clemson (1820–1846), lost at sea when the brig USS Somers capsized in a sudden squall off Vera Cruz on 8 December 1846 while chasing a blockade runner.

47. ‘Watched The End of the Affair tonight and Boohooed.’ Synonyms weep , shed tears, sob, wail, be in tears, cry one's eyes out, cry one's heart out, cry as if one's heart would break, bawl, howl, snivel, whimper, whine, squall, mewl, bleat

48. Bonzery: Buddhist monastery bonzoline: artificial ivory-like substance used to make billiard balls boodle: counterfeit money; funds obtained by corruption boopic: ox-eyed borage: rough-stemmed herb used in salads borasco: violent wind squall borato: thin fabric borborology: filthy talk borborygmus: rumbling noise in the intestines bordar